Martingale system
Martingale system, roulette strategy
The Martingale system is one of the oldest strategies in gambling. It was invented in the 18th century in France for the game of Heads or Tails, where the chance of winning each time is 50%. It was soon applied to the game of roulette, where the probability of hitting BLACK or RED is also close to 50%. It is one of the most popular strategies of many professional roulette players.
The basic principles of the Martingale system when playing roulette
The basic principle in playing roulette is simple. Martingale strategy says that at the beginning you need to bet for example 1$ on RED or BLACK. If the player wins, he gets 2$ and therefore has a profit of 1$. If the player loses, the bet is always doubled, for example:
Martingale Strategy in Live Casino online
Example with 1$ starting bet
1st bet on BLACK 1$ … result RED = lose
2nd bet on BLACK 2$ … result RED = lose
3rd bet on BLACK 4$ … result RED = lose
4th bet on BLACK 8$ … result RED = lose
5th bet on BLACK 16$ … result BLACK = WIN
The player bets a total of 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31$ and wins 32$ at the end. He therefore has a PROFIT of 1$, and can start playing again. Of course you don’t have to start with 1$, you can set the starting limit yourself. In the following example we start 1st bet with 10$:
Example with 10$ starting bet
1st bet on BLACK 10$ … result RED = lose
2nd bet on BLACK 20$ … result RED = lose
3rd bet on BLACK 40$ … result RED = lose
4th bet on BLACK 80$ … result RED = lose
5th bet on BLACK 160$ … result BLACK = WIN
The player bets a total of 10 + 20 + 40 + 80 + 160 = 310$ and wins 320$ at the end. He therefore has a PROFIT of 10$, and can start playing again.
Advantages and disadvantages of playing roulette using the Martingale strategy
With infinite funds, the Martingale system means a sure win. The disadvantage is that the player may have limited funds when playing. Even though the probability of losing multiple times in a row is almost zero, it always exists, and with exponential betting it could have disastrous consequences for the player. Therefore, with Martingale strategies, the almost certain expected income is balanced by the minimal risk of losing. If you choose to play this strategy, you should keep enough money on your casino account to cover even multiple consecutive losing rounds.